Ah, the blog. To blog or not to blog? That is the question. The answer,?
Is anyone going to read this? (and ultimately, does anyone care?)
It’s not necessarily journaling. My good friend Abe is an amazing journaler. If he did not journal, he would not be the same, yet has a hard time putting it on the net.
Why? Am I afraid to find out that no one cares? Or worse, that my life is proved to be hopelessly boring?
I am reading about a guy whose life is to be made into a movie. He has discovered that they must elaborate, because he says, most of his life until now has not been an exciting story.
So he started writing a better story with his life.
-biking across the U.S.
-climbing Machu Picchu
-falling in love (and for the first time saying the words)
-forming a mentoring program for fatherless kids
This story-less life has led him to write, so to speak, a better life story. At what point do we realise the movies of our lives have gone straight to DVD?
All the signs are usually there, usually in low box office numbers.
Our friends and co-workers. Our families and the people we avoid. Are they all telling us indirectly--our story sucks?
O.K., so now what. Most of us know that. You see the guy at the Conoco, loading up ‘the cube’ (a 24 pack of Coors Light). He knows it. People at work, working for the weekends. Families checking out on each other, living separate lives.
The guy in the book says the the protagonist (the main character in the story) needs an event that forces story to occur. Car crash, death of someone close, kids in trouble, you know, the life stuff. What do we do when these things happen? I suppose it goes one of two ways; you look at life as either precious or random. Maybe not so philosophically eloquent, but nevertheless, growing greater or lesser due to these events.
But, he says, also you can force the turn yourself. He forced himself into a seemingly impossible trek, to become fit. Through this he also found love. A great chapter in the story of his life? Yes.
So I’ll maybe use this blog to help reveal the ebb and flow in my story. Realising through the display of my work, maybe, how to better write the plot.