I was not a good blogger in 2009. It’s not that I don’t have any photos or (gasp)
anything to say, but it seems to be a matter of time management.
I wrestle with this idea; If I wanted the life I crave--I would seek it.
Sometimes the way I travel through life is like my book regimen. I will find a good story and yearn to read it, then it comes out in the theater. Insert dilemma; books are better than movies, every time--will I choose better or easier?
It is important to organise and write our ideas. I would love this to be only about photographs, but something happens (to our souls) when we write. (maybe even when we read, too-but that’s another post)

recent challenges have been to persevere through grace
many friends have been on the edge of decisions that will alter their lives significantly

in true relationship exists vulnerability-
this is how you know-
you will get hurt-
it’s ok though
this might be what our father goes through
sharing in the joys and pains of true love
and he says we are all worth it

love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control