black friday
the endless pursuits of ourselves
it resounds so deeply in my soul
these actions (self pursuit) are all I used to know
the money spent on this day could change the world
but why would we want to change a world in which we have grown comfortable?
like the abused wife who won’t leave because...
she thinks she deserves it, or knows no other way out?
‘comfort can no longer be comfortable for those who seek what is not at the market’
life, liberty and the pursuit of....happiness (or comfort)
how do we escape the idol of comfort?
I have been wrestling with obvious need in the world (poverty)
not the people who cannot afford a house, or a new car
the people who don’t have base human needs met:
and compassion
sometimes it’s hard to look past my obvious wants.
but if I sit still long enough, the sight of this need is staggering
Tolstoy writes of this struggle in ‘What then must we do?”
not too far in the book we are introduced to this plight against poverty.
His dilemma is how to advance the cause to end poverty.
early in his struggle he quotes our Lord “The man with two coats should share with him who has none, the one who has food should do the same.” (Luke 3:11)
I am almost convinced we are not called to end poverty.
I am convinced we are called to administer grace and mercy to those in need
regardless of place or disposition of life
The problem lies in, once again, my comfort
helping others that i do not relate with is uncomfortable
unless i make an anonymous donation
(which sometimes threatens my comfortable lifestyle)
what are we to do?
period. we are called to action.
this might actually help us more than those we seek to help