“He is what you would call a habitual line-stepper.”
-Charlie Murphy
We are all involved in a perceived reality of some sort.
Perception can be a cruel dictator though.
Most of the time it seems that perception equals reality.
Even if I don’t believe this, it is still fleshed out in my actions.
Where is the line between fantasy and reality?
What if you could not tell the difference between dreaming and waking?
It might actually be normal to drift between these two planes of consciousness.
But how much?
When the lines blur for too long,
men in white coats show up to take you to your new home.
How much of your daily though is spent in fantasy?
How long before this fantasy becomes a ‘perceived’ reality?
and how much of this exercise is healthy?
I suppose this is why we need each other.
We need that other perspective to help keep us in check.
I don’t know how many times I have had ideas to bounce off of friends
and had the look of ‘you sure ‘bout that bro’?’
This is not only needed, but it is good.
Maybe the greatest friendship test is how log they will stick around
after you have revealed to them your wildest ideas.
Our Lord faced this:
“Unless you eat of My flesh and drink of My blood, you can have no part of Me.”
People were out like ’80’s music.
So goes the heart ache of this so-called life.
Jesus faced it,
and you and I face it, whether we want to see it or not.
Is fantasy bad?
hardly so.
I believe everything is a sign pointing to the One we were meant to look to.
C.S. Lewis writes:
“The books or the music in
which we thought the beauty was located
will betray us if we trust to them; it was
not in them, it only came through them,
and what came through them was longing.
These things—the beauty, the memory of
our own past—are good images of what we
really desire; but if they are mistaken for
the thing itself they turn into dumb idols,
breaking the hearts of their worshippers.
For they are not the thing itself; they are
only the scent of a flower we have not
found, the echo of a tune we have not
heard, news from a country we have never
yet visited. “
So fantasy might actually point to a greater reality.
I guess we might be careful what we dream about for:
“You can only hope for what you desire”
Much love,
Yesssss, Yesssss, Yes!!! The picture is perfect! I love it and must have one! I think on canvass, I will buy it because it is worth buying!
ReplyDeleteYou also got it in you writing, though the end seems a little muddled, it is hard to put a clean end to that thought though. It keeps going on to eternity. Yet your point on having the balls to share wild ideas with friends is solid! O.K. so all perceptions shouldn't be shared or maybe checked; like when one of your friends is talking to loudly and all you can envision is a mouth with a body attached! You love your friend and don't want to tell him your perception of him at the moment. But important things need to be shared and if your friends leave you being that you have crazy ideas............ Jesus had the guts to say things that wouldn't be understood and he said them in a way so that they would shock. Many of his friends left him for this but his dilution was truth and Oh how it changed the world.
Great Job,